Jacket JMC

鴻鵠國際為台灣區JACKET代理商,同時也是NVIDIA GPU在台灣的代理商。

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Jacket JMC

Jacket JMC

Compiler Option

When Jacket applications have completed the development, test, and optimization stages and are ready for deployment, Jacket JMC allows users to create standalone, license-free executables for deployment to larger user bases via the MATLAB Compiler.

Jacket JMC is available by default with every Jacket trial license; however, executables generated with a trial license will also expire at the end of the trial. For purchased licenses, the Jacket JMC license add-on is required to generate non-expiring executables.


當Jacket的應用程序已完成開發,測試和優化階段,並準備部署,Jacket JMC允許用戶創建獨立的,免許可證的可執行文件,也可以通過 MATLAB編譯器部署到更大的用戶群。

默認情況下每個Jacket試用許可證可用Jacket JMC; 但是,與試用許可證生成的可執行文件也將在試驗結束時到期。對於購買許可證,Jacket JMC許可證需要生成非過期的可執行文件。