Edge AI NVIDIA Jetson Series

Edge AI NVIDIA Jetson Series

Featuring strict validation to ensure thermal, mechanical, and electrical compatibility, plus industrial-grade anti-vibration, high temperature operation capabilities, and modular, compact-sized design, Advantech’s Edge AI Inference Computers are perfect hardware platforms for the surveillance, transportation, and manufacturing sectors.

Advantech的Edge AI推理計算機具有嚴格的驗證功能,可確保熱,機械和電氣兼容性,以及工業級抗振動,高溫操作功能以及模塊化,緊湊型設計,是監控,運輸和監控的完美硬件平台。


MIC-710IVA(Jetson Nano)

MIC-720AI(Jetson TX2)

MIC-730AI(Jetson AGX Xavier)