
鴻鵠國際為台灣區JACKET代理商,同時也是NVIDIA GPU在台灣的代理商。

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GPU Graphics Library

GPU 圖形庫

Advanced 3D Data Visualization

The Jacket Graphics Library dramatically improves MATLAB visualizations. The idea is simple: let the GPU visualize and compute without moving data back to the CPU. The Graphics Library is included for free with all Jacket licenses. It integrates the Jacket computational engine with full OpenGL rendering capabilities. This coupling of computation and graphics allows you to develop true visual computing applications.

The Graphics Library includes a port of the entire OpenGL API to MATLAB, including the newest extensions. Users can now view computations in realtime as they evolve on the GPU through GPU versions of common visualization functions, such as GSURF, GPLOT, GSCATTER3, and more. The functions are simply MATLAB scripts containing OpenGL code and are load balanced for maximum speed. Best of all, these scripts are delivered as open-source extensions to Jacket. Don't like a visualization? Just change it. The Graphics Library provides open, easy to use, and blazingly fast visual computing.

The following videos not only demonstrate the visualization power of the Graphics Library but also convey the computational capabilities of the Jacket platform. The speedups enabled by Jacket allow these examples to achieve realtime performance, unlike the equivalent CPU counterparts. Jacket provides the ability to fully leverage the GPUs computational capability while providing integrated visualization capabilities far beyond anything else offered on the market.


Jacket圖形庫極大地提高了MATLAB的可視化。道理很簡單: 讓 GPU可視化和計算,而無需移動數據到CPU。所有Jacket許可證都免费包括圖形庫。它集成了完整的OpenGL渲染能力和Jacket的計算能力。計算和圖形能力結合在一起可以讓你開發真正的視覺計算應用程序。

圖形庫包含整個OpenGL API到MATLAB的端口,其中也包括最新的擴展。現在,用戶可以實時查看計算在GPU上通過共同的可視化功能,如GSURF,GPLOT,GSCATTER3,多GPU的版本,的演變。它的職能是簡單的MATLAB字體包含着OpenGL代碼和最高速度的平衡負載。最重要的是,這些字體是作為開放源碼擴展到Jacket。不喜歡一個可視化?只要改變它。圖形庫提供開放,易於使用,並極快的視覺計算。

以下影片不僅展示的可視化圖形庫,而且傳達的導管架平台的計算能力。Jacket啟用的加速讓這些例子來實現實時性能,不像相當於 CPU的同行。Jacket提供的能力能夠充分利用GPU的計算能力,同時提供集成的可視化功能,遠遠超出市場上提供的任何東西。